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Profile Information Is Important - Current TCSS Members can update their Profile information online. It is important to keep this information current as it is used to send out emails to selected Groups such as the Cactus Rescue Crew.  It is also used to determine who receives mailed newsletters, what email addresses are used for TCSS announcements including special sale notices.

How to Log in - You can Update your Profile and Renew Your Membership from the same screen. You must be logged-in on this web site to do this.  If you are not logged in, click on the person silhouette at the bottom left or at the top right corner of this page.  You enter your email address and password.  If you do not remember your password, just use the "Forgot Password" box and an email message will be sent to you in seconds with a new password.

Already logged in - if you click on the person icon and you are already logged in it will display your name and a couple of options below it, just click on the "View profile" to take you to your personal page which has an "Edit Profile" option.

Once logged in then click on the person silhouette again and then select the "View profile" option to see all your data in your profile and there is a black rectangle to Renew your membership.  Please update appropriate items and Save.

Privacy - TCSS Does not provide a Member Directory nor any of your information to the Public or Members.  Information is available to the Board and Committee Chairs to be able to perform their duties.  Each piece of information you enter can be hidden from all viewers except a couple of top level Administrators.

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Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society (TCSS)

PO Box 64759  -  Tucson, AZ 85728-4759   -   Phone: (520) 256-2447  -  Email:

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