OUR MISSION The study and protection of cacti and other succulents. An easy way to think about what we do is Knowing, Growing, Showing, Conserving |
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TCSS is an Affiliate of the Cactus & Succulent Society of America (CSSA)
Visit the CSSA website for more information, including information about how to become a CSSA member.
The Tucson Cactus Club was the dream of Cactus John Haag, Curator of Plants at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. His position at the Museum provided him with an opportunity to talk with many local visitors. They convinced him in 1960 to advertise in the local newspaper, to invite the public interested in cacti to a meeting at his home on November 13, 1960. So many people attended that there was standing room only for this first organizational meeting.
Cactus John took charge and explained the object of the meeting; to form a club that would entail reading sessions, discussion groups and field trips. This club was organized among amateur and advanced hobbyists and collectors to promote interest in cacti, succulents, and other desert plants. In addition, the club would use its influence with local, state and federal governments to pass necessary legislation for the conservation of native desert plants wherever they grow. Not bad ideas for 1960.
In due time, a name for the club was decided upon: the Tucson Cactus Club. Officers were elected, with Dr. W.G. McGinnies as founding President. The Club was on its way. At every following meeting, more and more people joined. From the start, John Haage offered to deed the equity in his house and garden to the Tucson Cactus Club, with the stipulation that he could live there as long as he liked. Cactus John Haage passed away suddenly in 1962 without completing the land deed.
Sometime in 1962, the name was changed to the Tucson Cactus and Botanical Society, and more recently changed again to its present name, the Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society. There have been many notable members who have contributed locally, nationally and internationally to the knowledge and advancement of our Society and the study of cacti and succulents in general.
The Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society, Inc. (TCSS) is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3)tax-exempt organization dedicated to education, information, conservation and discoveries about cacti and succulent plants. Our monthly programs feature knowledgeable individuals who can educate you and help you understand more about these fascinating plants. Any donations to TCSS are tax-deductible in accordance with Code section 170.