I have been member of TCSS since 2017 and enjoy working with very dedicated volunteers. My love for plants and the outdoors led me to have a great appreciation of our southwest desert. Because of this, I've helped at multiple cactus rescues as well as dedicated countless hours to the cultivation and upkeep of Pima Prickly Park. I am rewarded by seeing the growth and blooms of the rescued cactus at the park which are planted for the enjoyment of others. If you ever come to a TCSS Sale, you will see me there as I am the Sales Coordinator. In addition to sending the notice about the sale and begging for volunteers, I compile information about the sale to present at board meetings. When I am not at the park or working on sales, I maintain membership information on the company website. As an active member, I've found that TCSS is a club that puts the rescuing and conservation of our desert native cactus as a primary focus. In this way, TCSS is a valuable club for our region and I'm proud to be a member.