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Conservation Grant Program

The Conservation Committee periodically sponsors grants for conservation efforts. Currently the Conservation Committee is sponsoring the following Matching Grant:

Organ Pipe Cactus Forest in Mexico

Initial Concept - The flat lowlands of Southern Sonora and Northern Sinaloa, Mexico, were once covered by thousands of acres of organ pipe cactus forests. With irrigation and cattle ranching, almost all of this has been leveled and there is only one protected area still in existence. Much of that protection has come through the efforts of David Yetman who has spoken at our meetings and is the host of the KUAT program “The Desert Speaks”. Recently, the newly organized Conservation Committee proposed to the Board of TCSS that a small financial contribution of $200 go to this protection program. Spearheaded by Chris Monrad, the Board raised the amount to $500 as a challenge grant to the membership. Matched by $500 of membership contributions, this would bring the total grant to $1,000. This money could be used only for materials, primarily fencing, and not for labor which is being provided by the local Mayo indigenous community. At the next meeting, members of the Conservation Committee will be available to discuss the challenge grant and answer any questions which the membership might have concerning the project. Look for us at or near Marty Harrow’s badge and literature table. The Conservation Committee would like to encourage all TCSS members to contribute to the challenge grant even if it is only a few dollars as this will help to build the fund. Make checks to TCSS, Conservation Committee Challenge Grant. They can be mailed to Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society, P. O. Box 64759, Tucson AZ 85728-4759 or given to the committee representative at the meeting or the President.

David Yetman Report - Feb. 2019

Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society (TCSS)

PO Box 64759  -  Tucson, AZ 85728-4759   -   Phone: (520) 256-2447  -  Email:

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